Saturday, February 7, 2009

math literacy and the stimulus: what's in it for you?

a thought on the reinvestment package: it will transform the american and the global economic game in a fundamental way. the era of carbon based energy is over. these are huge, and welcome, investments in science and technology directed to this end. it is important that we understand what is happening and take the steps necessary to ensure broad based african american participation in this reinvestment package. this requires that our communities and our local institutions-churches, schools, colleges, etc pay close attention to the forms, the applications, the questionnaires, timetables, catalogues, programs, diplomas, advertisements,...and so on. the ability of a community to effectively manage the bureaucracy is, i submit, a form of math literacy.

a sampling of the initiatives in the package:

Support for Science and Math Education

* $100 million to the National Science Foundation to improve instruction in science, math and engineering.

Total: $100 million

Energy Efficiency Weatherization

* $6.0 billion for increasing energy efficiency and conservation in federal buildings.

* $3.5 billion in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants to help state and local governments make investments that make them more energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions.

* $3.4 billion for State Energy Programs, to support residential, commercial, and governmental retrofits.

* $500 million in loan guarantees to help institutions implement sustainable energy infrastructure projects. It is estimated that this will support $5 billion in loans.

* $2.5 billion for a new program to upgrade HUD sponsored low-income housing to increase energy efficiency, including new insulation, windows, and furnaces.

* $1.5 billion for energy sustainability and efficiency grants and loans to help school districts, institutes of higher education, local governments, and municipal utilities implement projects that will make them more energy efficient.

* $5 billion to HUD for public housing building repair and modernization, including critical safety repairs.

* $1.5 billion to the HOME Program to help local communities build and rehabilitate low-income housing using green technologies.

* $500 million to rehabilitate and improve energy efficiency at some of the over 42,000 housing units maintained by Native American housing programs.

* $10 million for rural, high-need areas to undertake projects using sustainable and energy-efficient building and rehabilitation practices.

* $20 billion for 21st Century Green High-Performance school construction, renovation, and modernization including energy efficiency improvements.

* $4.5 billion for renovation and energy efficiency improvements in Department of Defense facilities.

* $1.5 billion for renovation of NIH university-based research centers, with priority for upgrades that improve energy efficiency.

* $950 million for renovation of Veterans Affairs facilities including energy efficiency upgrades.

Total: $51.36 billion

* $6.2 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low-income families reduce their energy costs by weatherizing their homes and make our country more energy efficient.

* $1 billion for LIHEAP to help low-income families pay for home heating and cooling at a time of rising energy costs.

* $300 million to provide consumers with rebates for buying energy efficient Energy Star products to replace old appliances.

Total: $7.5 billion

Green-Collar Job Training

* $500 million for WIA training programs in renewable energy and energy efficiency defined in Green Jobs Act.

* $300 million to upgrade Job Corps training facilities serving at-risk youth to improve energy efficiency and provide career training.

* $100 million for worker training as part of the Smart Grid investment program.

Total: $900 million

brooklyn and the stimulus package? more to come soon. be well.

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